Chandrayaan-3: First Findings of Moon's Soil Temperature - Measured by Agile Payload

Meet ChaSTE – Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment. This innovative payload is onboard Chandrayaan-3's Vikram lander.

Using its advanced technology, ChaSTE measures temperature variations across the lunar surface as we go deeper beneath the topsoil.

Equipped with a controlled penetration mechanism, ChaSTE's probe delves up to 10 cm below the surface, collecting valuable data.

ChaSTE is armed with 10 individual temperature sensors, enhancing its precision in collecting data.

The temperature profile graph reveals how the lunar surface's temperature changes at various depths, recorded during ChaSTE's probe penetration.

These findings are more than just numbers. They enhance our understanding of the moon's surface behavior, a critical step towards future lunar exploration.

But this is just the beginning. Ongoing detailed observations promise even more insights into the moon's mysteries.

With ChaSTE's groundbreaking data, Chandrayaan-3 takes us one step closer to uncovering the enigmatic secrets of our lunar neighbor.